Chapter 201: Bursting into Li Mansion_1

However, Lin Yuan felt lucky that Xiao Shitou was a boy and nobody wanted to buy him; otherwise, she wouldn't have known where to start looking for her little sister. No matter how much she asked, Xiao Shitou just couldn't remember the full name of that place Lin Dashuan mentioned, something with "Li" in it.

With no other choice, they had to search from door to door upon reaching the town. After instructing Xiao Shitou to dress up and wait there for Lan Hua and the others who were hurrying over, Lin Yuan and Xia Zheng mounted their horses and galloped toward Zhuma Town. Given the time, Lin Dashuan, who was left only with Xiao Linshuang without Xiao Shitou to slow him down, should have already reached the town by now and might have even sold the girl already.

It was only then that Lin Yuan remembered what Xiao He's mother had said—that Lin Dashuan, now a drunken mess, was a brute in his youth. How could she have failed to detect that he dared to kidnap someone?