Chapter 206: Lady Chen Ran Away (1)_1

Lin Dashuan was taken to prison, but the news did not reach Lin family's village until the next morning, when the villagers finally learned of it. Along with this, another incident occurred at Lin Dashuan's house that was both unforeseen and yet within the realm of expectation.

Lin Yuan was teasing the little ewe with a handful of fresh grass, but unexpectedly, it didn't snatch the grass to eat as it had the day before.

Although Lin Yuan was inexperienced, Liu Limin knew that the sheep was probably about to give birth. Thinking that there would soon be a new member in the family, Lin Yuan felt much comforted.

Just after she finished feeding the donkeys and rabbits, Lan Hua burst in hastily. She scanned the courtyard and, seeing neither Lady Liu nor Lady Fan, she lowered her voice and exclaimed in shock, "Xiao He, Xiao He's mother, she ran away!"

Lady Chen ran away?