Chapter 216 Lin Yongle Returns Home (7)_1

Clenching his fists tightly, Lin Yongcheng suddenly remembered something. On that day, his younger brother had gone to find trouble with Little Disaster Star alongside Wang Tianba. Why, among so many who went together, did no one else encounter any trouble, yet it was Yong Le who suffered an accident? Moreover, coincidentally, just like his second uncle, he too had broken his leg. Could it be that someone had done this on purpose?

Whether he was blinded by rage or had truly seen through the hidden truths, Lin Yongcheng was now convinced that Lin Yuan was responsible for all the persecution his brother had endured!

Narrowing his cold and fierce eyes, Lin Yongcheng quietly left the room. Lady Ma was tenderly wiping down her younger son, entirely unaware of when her older son had left.

If she had noticed her older son's unusual behavior in time, perhaps she wouldn't have allowed him to commit the act that would bring shame upon their whole family.