Chapter 230 The Disgraced Man's Winery (2)_1

With a swift glance, Lin Yongcheng firmly raised his finger and pointed at the woman in front of him, his mother, and without a blush or a hiccup, accused her, "Mother, was it you? Really, was it you? How could you do such a shameless thing? Our family isn't lacking food or clothing, even if you disapproved of Lin Yuan's family building a new house, you couldn't just go and steal from them! Look what's happened now that it's come to light, how will you ever face anyone in the village again!"

Lady Ma's mouth fell open in shock; she could hardly believe that these words were coming from the son she had cherished and protected with all her heart. From the start, she'd denied herself even a single good bite to eat, saving everything for her two sons, and had even taken the blame for them when they did wrong. Never did she imagine that all she would get in return were these accusations of shamelessness and not being fit to show her face!