Chapter 242: Kissed with a Puff (5)_1

What was being plotted, Lin Yuan hadn't heard clearly. Just when she wanted to get closer to listen, the door was suddenly yanked open from the inside.

Startled, Lin Yuan looked up and met Xia Zheng's deep eyes, so deep they seemed bottomless. Lin Yuan was a bit dazed, blinked, and when she looked again, Xia Zheng was all smiles.

For a moment, Lin Yuan thought she had seen it wrong, but something told her she hadn't.

"So it's you." Xia Zheng seemed to let out a sigh of relief, as if, had the person eavesdropping not been Lin Yuan but someone else, they might have been silenced by him.

Inside the room, Lao Fan had regained his usual leisurely demeanor, sitting with ease at the table, delicately holding a piece of Osmanthus Cake and bringing it to his mouth in tiny bites.