Chapter 275 The Real Trash Production (4)_1

"Brother Ershuan, with such serious dedication, it's impossible for you not to get rich!"

Lin Yuan said this from the bottom of her heart. Although she had pointed out a way for Lin Ershuan and his wife to make money, they needed to be motivated and smart to succeed; otherwise, it would be for naught.

Clearly, the couple did not disappoint her. One was clever and hardworking, the other was serious and meticulous. Good days were on the horizon.

Lin Ershuan blushed at Lin Yuan's praise and began to scratch his head in embarrassment.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement while professionals see the details. Lin Jiaxin understood more deeply than Lin Yuan. He studied each blueprint carefully and then pointed out a few areas, offering his own suggestions.

Lin Ershuan listened intently and took notes, apparently looking forward to studying them thoroughly when he got home.