Chapter 273 The Real Trash Production (2)_1

"Sister, don't be angry anymore." Lin Yuan stood up and poured a cup of hot tea for Mo Sanniang to soothe her throat, which was a bit hoarse, perhaps because they had just had an argument.

Having taken a sip of water, Mo Sanniang recalled Xie Zhiyuan's words and looked intently at Lin Yuan before asking, "Sister, do you know what he just told me? He said that he didn't want to marry Ma Xiaoqian, that it was his mother who forced him into it. He was planning to come and tell me earlier, but he was tied up with his official duties at the Yamen and couldn't get away, which is why those two got to the shop before him. Sister, do you think what he said is true? Is the Yamen really that busy? He hasn't come to see me for a long time, so maybe it really is very busy."