Chapter 297: Lin Yi is Ambushed Midway (Part 8)_1

Caught in the net? Doesn't that mean her secrets are about to be exposed? No, this can't happen. If the bandits confess, I'm afraid Jin Lingling will spend the rest of her life in prison.

"Hong Mei, did you show your face when you made the trade?"

Hong Mei shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, I followed Miss's instructions and covered myself completely with a long Curtain Lattice when meeting the bandits. Moreover, to guard against their keen eyesight, I also wore a veil inside the Curtain Lattice. They won't recognize me."

Jin Lingling breathed a sigh of relief. That was good. As long as she was unrecognizable, there was nothing to fear. They had no evidence, and the silver Hong Mei gave was wrapped in the most common purse; it should not be traced back to her.

Still, it was best to remain cautious.

"Hong Mei, go to the Yamen and find out what you can, but make sure not to leave any traces. If those bandits have said anything they shouldn't, then..."