Chapter 322 Opening Day Ma Xiaonan (2)_1

Shopkeeper Liu originally had some doubts about Lin Yuan's words, but when she mentioned Liuzi, he felt somewhat embarrassed. Liuzi was a clever lad, and Shopkeeper Liu had noticed it early on. Otherwise, he wouldn't have arranged him to be around Xia Zheng and Lao Fan.

However, to say he had a knack for managing his subordinates was really too much praise.

"Not at all, not at all. If it hadn't been for Miss Lin's keen eye for talent, I'm afraid Liuzi would have been buried within the Fuman Building long ago. Haha."

Lin Yuan smiled without saying a word, while Jin Yuyu next to her restrained a smile and said, "Shopkeeper Liu is really too modest. In my opinion, each and every one of the clerks under Shopkeeper Liu is impressive. Otherwise, how could Fuman Building's reputation be so good?"