Chapter 330: Ordering Wedding Cakes (3)_1

The other young ladies who had been with Ma Xiaonan all liked the samples after trying them and each asked for a few snacks. Surprisingly, spicy strips had become the one item that almost everyone wanted to get their hands on.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel amazed, remembering that they had sold two large shelves of spicy strips that morning alone, and now in the kitchen, Uncle Wang and the others were frantically making more. Indeed, this snack that suited both young and old had always been universally cherished throughout history.

Seeing everyone reaching for their purses, eager to buy the items from Rice Flower Fragrance, Jin Lingling and Meng Chunyan's faces immediately darkened with displeasure.

A young lady who was good at reading the room noticed their unhappy expressions, coughed, and said timidly, "I, I just remembered, I haven't been well these past few days, the doctor said I shouldn't eat anything too sweet or too spicy. I, I better not buy anything."