Chapter 332: Ordering Wedding Cakes (5)_1

"It must be true, Shopkeeper Liu even personally came to deliver a gift this morning,"

Jin Lingling said with a hint of jealousy. It was all her father's fault for seeking out Shopkeeper Liu so many times without succeeding in securing the business with Fuman Building. If they had established a partnership with Fuman Building, wouldn't it have been easy for her to see the Young Master more often?

Clearly, Meng Chunyan was also jealous, but she just pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

After Ma Xiaonan had paid the silver, the group left the shop one by one and departed on their horse-drawn carriage.

Lin Yuan watched as Jin Lingling's carriage led the way out, the smile on her face slowly solidifying at the corners of her lips. Today, Jin Lingling hadn't picked a quarrel with her, nor had she said any unpleasant words to mock or ridicule her, which was nothing like Jin Lingling's usual style.

The reason could only be one thing: guilt.