Chapter 339 Scumbag Ma Junying (5)_1

Of course, there was also a regular customer.

Lin Yuan spotted Ma Xiaonan hopping off the carriage from a distance and felt relieved. Fortunately, after lunch, she had managed to persuade Mo Sanniang to return to her fabric store, citing a slow day at her own shop. Otherwise, if Mo Sanniang caught sight of Ma Xiaonan and heard all the minutiae about Xie Zhiyuan getting married, she was afraid Mo Sanniang wouldn't be able to handle it.

As soon as Ma Xiaonan alighted from the carriage, she saw Lin Yuan standing at the doorway with a smile on her face, looking at her. Ma Xiaonan waved excitedly, her small face beaming so brightly it almost outshone the newly bloomed roses in her store.

Lin Yuan was touched by her smile and couldn't help but let her lips briefly curve into a smile. Yet, it was this fleeting smile that made a deep impression on someone.

Ma Junying's hand, which was lifting the curtain, paused midair as he stared blankly at the woman standing not far away.