Chapter 345 Grand Opening Banquet (4)_1

"Mr. Meng?" Lin Yuan was surprised by Mo Sanniang's response when she brought up this topic, having thought Lin Wei was asking about Meng Liangdong's performance today. After thinking for a bit, Mo Sanniang said, "Well, he seems quite learned, but when it comes to doing business, he's really not cut out for it. He almost got himself tangled up just calculating an account today. However, he is very eager to learn; whenever there's something he doesn't know, he asks straight away, no matter whether you're educated or not. And, his mind is quite sharp. I just taught him how to keep the books once, and he got the hang of it right away—he didn't need me to explain a second time."

Hearing Mo Sanniang's words, Lin Yuan's face nearly turned dark. She wasn't asking whether he was good or not, but what Mo Sanniang's impression of Meng Liangdong was like, what kind of person he was; and if she were to start a new relationship, whether she would be willing to choose someone like Meng Liangdong.