Chapter 367: Request for Guards (1)_1


Speaking of which, Mo Sanniang was quite bold. Any other woman who saw a man lying on the ground, uncertain whether he was alive or dead, would probably have been scared off long ago.

But Mo Sanniang let out a loud shout and rushed over. Not knowing where Meng Liangdong was injured, she didn't dare to move him recklessly. She extended her long nails and pinched Meng Liangdong's philtrum. When pinching him for quite a while yielded no response, she gritted her teeth, pulled a silver hairpin out of her hair, and stabbed it into Meng Liangdong's philtrum.

This time, Meng Liangdong finally showed a reaction.

Da Niu and Liang Zi, who had arrived early for work, had also reached the shop by this point and helped Mo Sanniang carry Meng Liangdong to a chair to check his injuries.