Chapter 369: Request for Guards (3)_1

"Let's hire some fighters," Xia Zheng suddenly spoke up, and Lin Yuan then remembered what Shopkeeper Liu had mentioned to her last night when she had just arrived at the Fuman Building for dinner.

Yes, it was time to hire some guards.

Originally, she had felt no need for them, but now it seemed that if she had employed skilled martial artists from the start, today's incident might not have happened.

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement. She had previously discussed hiring guards with Shopkeeper Liu, so she immediately sent Liuzi to the Fuman Building to relay the day's events to Shopkeeper Liu.

Shopkeeper Liu was efficient in his work, and he promptly went to a martial arts school with which he had a good relationship to select four of the top young fighters.

When Liuzi brought these four men to the Rice Flower Fragrance, Lin Yuan was tidying the front hall with Sister-in-law Luo and a few others.