Chapter 381: The Sisters-in-law Fight (5)_1

"Let her come up, and you too, big sister," Lin Yuan lifted the carriage curtain, calling out to Lin Wei. Turning her head, she saw several other children looking at her with eager eyes. Lin Yuan's heart softened, and she also waved them over.

The children had never ridden in a carriage before, and seeing Lin Yuan's approval, they all jumped aboard in a flurry. The girls entered the carriage, while the boys, who loved a bit of adventure, sat beside Xia Zheng on the shafts.

Surrounded by a bunch of little boys, Xia Zheng let out an exasperated smile and slowly started walking the horses forward, while cracking the whip leisurely.

Lin Yi leaned against the corner with his arms folded, a rare schadenfreude expression crossing his face.

The carriage's four bells jingled, combining with the children's joyous laughter; the sound reached the ears of some, bringing about a series of silent curses.