Chapter 390 Li Feng'e Loses Face (4)_1

They say even fools have their obsessions, and breaking his legs must've been Lin Yongle's. No wonder he was adamant on crawling over to take his revenge on Lin Yuan.

Seeing that her words had no effect, Li Feng'e didn't want to get her hands dirty by bringing this filthy person back home, nor did she want the villagers to witness the disgrace of her family. With a spit, she hurried home to call for Lady Ma.

After sending Li Feng'e off, Lin Yuan hadn't even had the chance to go back inside when she was called over by a slender figure at the doorway.

This figure was all too familiar to Lin Yuan—in the past, she would see it three or four times almost every day.

"Aunt Chen, what brings you here?" A visitor was a guest, and even though Lin Yuan no longer had any connection to Chen Zhu, she still held some fondness for this elderly woman who always bore things with silent patience.

The visitor was Lin Yuan's neighbor, the mother of Chen Zhu.