Chapter 397: Pouring Water on Her Head (2)_1

Yet someone still took it all with a smile, and when she had had enough and got tired, he gently caught her hand, pressed it to his cheek, and rubbed it softly, pursing his lips and whining pitifully, "I did it on purpose. To make sure you remember that in your little head you can only think about me, not any other man. If you think about another man, I will..."

"You'll do what?" Lin Yuan narrowed her eyes in a warning manner. If he dared to say he would do something to her, she would see if she didn't chop this guy up with a kitchen knife!

Xia Zheng pouted and said with a pitiful, dragged-out voice, "I'll just stick to you every day, so you won't have time to think about anyone else."