Chapter 408: Discovering Deception and Bullying People (2)_1

Lin Wei reached out and patted her sister's back, curved like a shrimp, and held back a laugh. "Alright, alright, it's all in the past, no harm done. Stop this, now. It's just the two of us sisters, I won't laugh at you anymore."

Lin Wei rubbed her face on her knees, shook her head, and mumbled, "I, whenever I think about what just happened, I just, I just, sob sob, big sister, I'm utterly embarrassed."

Lin Wei, with her thin skin, must have felt deeply ashamed, especially after forcing Xiao Sisi to confess to urinating in public. Perhaps, even more so, she felt guilty towards Xiao Sisi.

"It's okay, little sister, no worries now. Your intentions were good, I know you have a kind heart, wanting to help that child, but it was just a bit..."

"A bit what?" Lin Wei lifted her tear-stained little face and looked earnestly at her older sister.