Chapter 417: Various Shopkeepers at An Family Winehouse (4)_1

Lin Yuan's half-joking words immediately alleviated everyone's concerns. Shopkeeper Jeng burst into laughter and indeed, he picked up the wine cup on the table and drank down three cups of white wine, "Then I might as well drink these three cups first. Tsk tsk, Old Liu, this wine of yours is not up to par. It tastes like plain water, no kick at all!"

Shopkeeper Liu curled his lip and patted his shoulder twice, "This happens to be the strongest liquor from the Meng Family Wine House, I had it specially prepared knowing you were coming. And you still think it lacks flavor? Hmph, next time you come, bring your own liquor!"

"If I must bring my own, I must. Just so you all can taste the fine wine An Winehouse of Tingan Town has brewed!" Shopkeeper Jeng showed off with a proud face. If it weren't for Shopkeeper Wang pinching the tender flesh at his waist, Shopkeeper Jeng would have kept on praising their fine wine.