Chapter 431 Jeng Ruyue's Cousin (1)_1

Lady Liu gave birth half a month earlier than expected. Lady Fan hadn't managed to rush over in time, and the baby was already born.

Worried she wouldn't take good care of herself during the postnatal confinement, Lin Yuan asked Lin Yi to hurry to Liu Family Village the next morning to bring her grandmother. Initially, she only intended to bring Lady Fan, but when they returned, the carriage was nearly full. Apart from Lady Fan and her younger aunt Liu Limin, there was also her older uncle's wife Zhao Suxin, and even her second uncle's wife Jeng Ruyue, who was always in poor health, came along.

Lin Yuan was overjoyed and carefully helped her second aunt off the carriage. It had been a long time, and Jeng Ruyue's face was still very pale. She walked slowly, and even her smile seemed listless.

"Second aunt, you're in poor health, why did you also come?" Lin Yuan felt sorry for her and quickly supported her hand to help her into the house.