Chapter 472 Helping Younger Brother (5)_1

He was driven out by his aunt but still managed to overhear the conversation by lurking secretly at the door. His aunt had sobbed with suppressed voice and had only just fallen asleep after much difficulty.

Jin Yuyu did not know what the doctor had said, but she could feel the aura of sadness and depression that clung to the little boy. Jin Yuyu glanced at the door, where only two maids stood, their eyes demurely cast down, quietly attending to their duties.

"Come on, Shi Wen, let your sister take you to the study to draw." After glancing at what Jin Shiwen had drawn on the ground, something that could have been either a cat or a tiger, Jin Yuyu smiled gently and reached out her hand.

Jin Shiwen hesitated for a moment before timidly reaching out his hand. His sister's hand was so soft, warm, unlike his aunt's, which were always cold.