Chapter 474 A Rival in Love is Especially Jealous (1)_1

Jin Yuyu truly lived up to her name. The very next day, she sent someone with a message for Lin Yuan, informing her that everything concerning Shande Hall had been taken care of. Whenever Lin Yuan needed a doctor, she could send for one from Shande Hall at any time.

Lin Yuan was beyond thrilled. Business at Rice Flower Fragrance was already poor, and she urgently needed an opportunity to restore its tarnished image.

Now that all the preparations were done, all that was missing was a reputable doctor from Zhuma Town. Normally, this should have been Lao Fan without question. However, first, Lao Fan was hard to engage, and second, aside from a few privileged individuals who were aware of Lao Fan's expertise, the common people had yet to witness his skills.