Chapter 489 Tearing Up this White Lotus (3)_1

The small interactions between these two had not escaped the watchful eyes of Su Qiuyu across from them. Seeing their blatant flirtations, Su Qiuyu felt like an outsider, despite having known Xia Zheng for many years.

Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, Su Qiuyu managed to squeeze out a smile, "So Miss Lin actually has hobbies unlike other women. Hearing Brother Zheng praise you to the skies has made me quite curious. I wonder if I might ask Miss Lin to showcase her skills and cook some of her special dishes for me as well, so I too can witness her remarkable talents?"

Su Qiuyu spoke as if it was only natural, or rather, as if ordering Lin Yuan to cook was her rightful privilege.

Lin Yuan, seeing her apparently respectful but actually challenging demeanor, felt a wave of nausea. She didn't like such a woman, and not just Xia Zheng, she herself found it distasteful.