Chapter 503 Exchange Conditions - Illness (4)_1

However, Xia Zheng and Lin Yuan were at this time riding a horse carriage on their way to Zhuma Town.

Xia Zheng had eaten three hand-grabbed pancakes and drunk two large bowls of soy milk in the morning. Now, he was leaning on Lin Yuan's shoulder, letting out satisfied burps while taking advantage of the moment.

For the hundred and eighth time, Lin Yuan removed someone's hand from her waist and glared at him fiercely, "Xia Zheng, behave yourself! Keep this up, and I'll have Lin Yi throw you out!"

Though she was angry, her embarrassment made her furious glare appear somewhat coquettish, which only made Xia Zheng even more restless.

The hand crept close once again, and with a cheeky grin, Xia Zheng teased, "Go ahead and throw me out, I know you'd be the one to hurt if you did."

Lin Yuan's face darkened, "I wouldn't be hurt at all. If I threw you out, I would immediately have Lin Yi turn around and head for the Ma family Manor!"