Chapter 555 The Collapse of Century-old Cake Shop (4)_1

The older and more revered people find themselves, the more likely they are to have little temperaments. After hearing Shopkeeper Chen's words, Doctor Hu furrowed his brow, his tone carrying a hint of dissatisfaction, "I have been practicing medicine for decades and have never told a lie for the sake of money. Shopkeeper Chen, indeed, there is Five Stones Powder in your pastries, though not much, yet I stand by my character and decades of experience as proof—there is absolutely Five Stones Powder! If you don't believe me, you are more than welcome to consult another doctor for verification!"

Is there a need to find someone else? Doctor Hu is already the best doctor in Zhuma Town, as long as he is not lying, then his words must be absolutely true.

In the hall, everyone was thoroughly convinced of the fact that Century-old Cake Shop's pastries contained Five Stones Powder, and some had already started to curse Shopkeeper Chen, accusing him of being blinded by lard and greed.