Chapter 563: Panpan and Ying Tao Conspire (1)_1

Jin Lingling struggled to suppress the excitement in her heart, quickly lowered her head, and couldn't help but let her smile curl up. She was too excited, too excited indeed! She had thought that it would take a lot of effort to snatch this man from Jin Yuyu's hands, but unexpectedly, she could get him so easily.

Her hands trembled with excitement, and she almost couldn't contain herself from screaming.

However, even with her heart racing, she still put on a troubled and unattainable façade.

"Cousin, the things you said, are they all true?"

Seeing Jin Lingling beginning to waver, Li Chengzhi seemed immensely encouraged, and he lifted his butt to sit next to her. It was a good thing they were in a teahouse, and they had an elegant room, otherwise, she would definitely not allow Li Chengzhi to sit so close to her.