Chapter 567 Improvement of Illness (1)_1

The three of them racked their brains for a long time but couldn't find any leads. Seeing that the business upstairs was about to conclude, Panpan resignedly stamped her foot, "I'll go up and watch over things. Otherwise, Lin Siyu will get suspicious. Sister Yingtao, after you go back, discuss this with Mrs. Liu, and remember to keep it a secret at all costs. If the word gets out prematurely, I'm afraid all of our lives will be at stake."

Ying Tao understood the gravity of the situation very well, "Don't worry, we won't let anything slip. Go ahead and get upstairs."

Panpan nodded, hurried off, and on her way in, she didn't forget to buy a handful of fried peanuts at the doorway stall as a cover.

Shen Dajun, like Mrs. Liu, was an honest person, completely unaccustomed to think intricately. Seeing Panpan leave, he quietly asked Ying Tao, "Ying Tao, can we trust this young girl?"