Chapter 574: Chen Zhu Returns (4)_1

Not only did Lin Yuan recognize him, but many of the people eating across the street also did, pointing at him and saying, "Isn't that Chen Zhu from Old man Chen's house?"

"Yes, yes, oh my, dressed like this, I almost didn't recognize him!"

"Hey, Zhu Zi, did you become the top scholar or something? Look at your clothes, wow, so nice, and that carriage, you must have become a high official, right?"

Everyone was saying their piece, but Chen Zhu acted as if he hadn't heard a thing, merely nodding to them without speaking. However, he was quite puzzled. He had only been gone for a few months, so how did the dilapidated house next door turn into a high-roofed one with red tiles? Compared to that large house, his own shabby little hut seemed quite pitiful, no wonder Wang Qiaoxin looked so displeased.