Chapter 587 Accidental Encounter with a Purposeful Pursuit (1)_1


Could it be because of the man by her side?

Xia Zheng's radiance was too intense to ignore. Wang Qiaoxin had certainly noticed it, but she always felt his aura was somehow familiar and dangerous, which was why she didn't approach. However, Chen Shimei had never interacted with him, and was therefore still curious.

Seeing Lin Yuan alone once again, Chen Shimei's vanity inflated anew. His first thought was that Lin Yuan had come for him, that she still had feelings for him.

Chen Shimei deliberately posed as if Lin Yuan was beneath his notice, and laughed, "Lin Yuan, what brings you here? I heard Rice Flower Fragrance is the best pastry shop in Zhuma Town, so I brought Qiaoxin to check it out. I never expected that in just three months of my absence, Zhuma Town would gain such a fine establishment. It's truly surprising."