Chapter 604: Accepting an Invitation (2)_1

Old Fan finished the plate of fish balls and was still longing for more. Hearing her mention shrimp balls and beef balls stuffed with fillings, he couldn't help salivating, "Hurry up, you stinky girl, get this hot pot ready quickly, and let this old man have a taste first!"

Lin Yuan looked at the empty plate in front of him and smiled, "Alright! Tomorrow, I'll have Shopkeeper Liu go to Old Iron Head and tell him to make fifty pots as soon as possible. We'll debut the hot pot in Fuman Building first. If it does well, we can promote it to the other branches."

The hot pot idea was agreed upon in no time. Seizing the opportunity, Lin Yuan also casually mentioned her plan to introduce new soy products. Since she hadn't worked out the details yet, she needed to deliberate for a couple more days before proceeding.