Chapter 622 Chen Zhu's Family Leaves (4)_1

Aunt Chen took out a small cloth bundle from her bosom and unfolded it layer by layer. "Yuanyuan, you're a good child. I had always hoped that one day you could marry into our Chen family and be my daughter-in-law. But, alas. This silver hairpin was part of my dowry when I was young. I know that your status has changed now and that you have more jewelry, so you might not fancy something like this from me. Still, I hope you can keep it as a memento from me."

With that, Aunt Chen pressed the silver hairpin into Lin Yuan's hand.

Lin Yuan didn't plan to accept it, after all, it was someone's dowry with special significance. But seeing Aunt Chen's hopeful gaze, and considering her words just now, Lin Yuan found it hard to refuse.

"Auntie, how could I disdain it? The hairpin is very beautiful, and I will take good care of it." Lin Yuan gripped the silver hairpin tightly in her palm, feeling the warmth still lingering on it from Aunt Chen.