064 New clothes, sentimental_2

Fragrant Full Building had their first confrontation with Drunken Immortal Residence, and they achieved an absolute victory without even needing Lin Yuan to make an appearance.

In the capital city, after hearing his subordinate's report, Second Prince Zhao Hongsheng's thin lips curled slightly, revealing a playful smile, "Interesting, really interesting."

It must be said, this incident was entirely orchestrated by Zhao Hongsheng himself, from the initial encounter with the Loudspeaker all the way to later accusing the Loudspeaker of being a thief, and of course, "collaborating" with Shopkeeper Wu to have the Loudspeaker thrown into the dungeon—it was all Zhao Hongsheng's handiwork.

And why is that? It's all because of Xia Zheng!