070 Jealous_3

Cough cough, Lin Yuan couldn't help but cough as soon as Xia Zheng finished speaking. To think she was so nervous she didn't dare to swallow her saliva, it was all for such a "big deal"!

When it came to someone's jealousy, Lin Yuan readily admitted defeat.

Although the sudden snow disrupted many people's plans, fortunately, the following days were all clear and sunny. Xia Zheng was busy running around everywhere, and of course, he also took the time to meet with Ma Junying and Master Ma. Although he hadn't yet gotten the printing assignment from the Emperor, Xia Zheng knew the Emperor well enough to be certain that as soon as he asked, the old man would definitely hand over the hot potato without hesitation.

To Lin Yuan's surprise, Master Ma was nothing like she had imagined. She thought he would either be a refined middle-aged man like his son Ma Junying or a doting father like Lin Jiaxin. But who would have thought that this guy was a total clown!