072 Shopping for jewelry_2

Lin Yuan quickly covered her little sister's mouth, straightened her posture, and taught her sternly, "It's not nice to curse others. It's uncultured, and you mustn't do this again. Besides, Bodhisattvas are so busy, even if they hear your words, they won't be available immediately to solve your problems. Hmm, next time it's better to take action directly, as it produces immediate results and can relieve the Bodhisattvas of some burdens."

Both little sisters gaped, not knowing what to say for a moment.

On the side, Lin Yi smacked his lips and stroked his chin while looking up at the sky, thinking to himself that the Bodhisattvas were indeed very busy. Next time, he would also forego praying; it would be better to take matters into his own hands.

This newly opened jewelry store was different from the others; while the other stores sold only one type of item, either gold or silver, this one had everything, including gold, silver, and even a special counter for jade.