075 Upright Cabinet, New Year's Eve_1

"What's there to dare or not dare to sell? As long as it's not something banned by the Imperial Court, I dare!" Lin Changqing's eyes lit up as he had always known that Lin Yuan's mind was sharp and full of ideas. Besides, who was Lin Yuan if not someone who could definitely not swindle him?

Lin Yuan's words indeed piqued the interest of everyone present. They all looked at her, urging to know what this novel item was. No wonder everyone was curious; this girl was too ingenious, always coming up with ideas nobody could anticipate.

Lin Yuan giggled, "Banned goods? Even if you dare to sell those, I wouldn't dare provide them to you. Actually, what I'm talking about isn't all that fresh. It's just that nobody has used it before. What I mean is a wardrobe, yes, a wardrobe used to store clothes."

Lan Hua raised an eyebrow, obviously a bit disappointed: "A wardrobe? Doesn't every household have one? Look, even my home has several."