076 Unsettling, New Year's Eve_3

This absolutely infuriated Xiao Linshuang. She stopped gnawing on the soy sauce braised pig knuckle, raised her little hand in protest, and exclaimed, "Second sister, you're the meanest! How have I been difficult to anyone?!"

"The little one clearly can't even talk yet, and you insist on making them speak before you'll give them any meat. If that's not being difficult, what is?" said Lin Wei as she turned her head to look at Lin Yuan, "Big sister, am I right?"

Lin Yuan cleared her throat twice, smiled, and turned away, not wanting to be dragged into the crossfire between these two.

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, it was traditional to stay up late. In past celebrations, the family would sit together, chatting through the night until dawn. It wasn't that it was particularly interesting, but because everyone was too hungry to sleep well at night. So, they simply sat together, chatting and talking, and the night would pass.