082 Liu Mei_1

Lady Liu clearly hadn't expected that her dear sisters would be present at the opening that day, and immediately widened her eyes in surprise, with an increased pitch in her voice, "That day, you were there too? How come I didn't see you?"

"Aiyo, you were surrounded by a crowd, no spare moment to see me. You don't know, that day Sister Xianshu was dressed so beautifully, and so was her husband. Oh right, on the opening day, so many big bosses came. The Boss of Fuman Building, the Young Miss from Jin Ji Vinegar Workshop, ah, but what really excited me the most was that great wealth god statue the Young Master from Fuman Building sent over. Ayayay, it was all made of gold!"

Lady Liu modestly smiled, slightly overwhelmed by her sisters' inquiries.

After her initial shock, Liu Mei immediately felt unsettled, and she sneered discreetly, muttering, "What 'made of gold', it's probably just gold-plated, fake! Clueless country bumpkins!"