084 Tricked people again_1

Upon hearing the term "Croton beans," Zhao Hongsheng's face suddenly changed, and his hands instinctively moved to the front of his body, but before he had a chance to speak to Su Tianyou beside him, he abruptly turned and hurried down the path toward the toilet, leaving Su Tianyou standing there dumbfounded.

"Oh my, I'm dying of laughter, it's actually true, haha." Su Tianrui, who was hiding behind a large tree not far away, pointed at the retreating figure of Zhao Hongsheng and laughed until his stomach hurt.

Xia Zheng, afraid that his laughter would attract Su Tianyou's attention, reached out and grabbed his arm, lowered his voice, and said proudly, "See, I told you I was right? Next time you find him displeasing, just mention 'Croton beans' in front of him, and I guarantee this guy won't come out of the toilet, he'll be too weak to stand from all the shitting!"