089 The first person to eat a crab_2

But at this moment, upon hearing his young master's words, San Er's face turned to one of horror as he hastily waved his hands, "Young master, oh young master, I have elders above me and young ones below me, and I dare not eat that thing. Please let me off, your great kindness I'll never forget!"

Ma Junying's mouth twitched, really wanting to kick this guy who almost fell to his knees and clung to his thigh crying.

Ma Xiaonan gaped, slapped him on the forehead, and crisply hummed a rebuke, "Elders above and young ones below, huh? Since when did you and Cuicui get married and have kids? How come I didn't know about it? Could it be that the mother of your child isn't Cuicui?"

Silenced by her words, San Er really felt like falling to the ground, holding his head, and weeping bitterly. In his fevered mind, he had blurted out without thinking, thankful that Cuicui hadn't come with Miss Lin today, or else he really would be without his young ones!