I've returned from the Cultivation World!_1


On Yinmoon Peak behind the mountain.

Thunderclouds gathered, thundering menacingly.

Song Tan, a dual wood-water spirit root cultivator from the Cangxuan Realm's Ask Heaven Sect, had cultivated spirit plants in the back mountain for a hundred years, and had finally reached the opportunity for a breakthrough!

But she hadn't expected the thunder tribulation during her core-formation to be so fierce. Her body got shattered by the lightning, and even her soul was torn apart.

In a daze, just before perishing, Song Tan saw countless scenes, both familiar and unfamiliar—

More than a dozen vehicles were flipped and crumpled together in a heap.

Collisions, pain, crying out.

A car was overturned, and oil slowly began to snake across the bridge.

Around her were people frantically pounding on the car windows; her vision was clouded with a layer of blood, and she couldn't move or speak.

"Hello, is this 120? A multi-car pileup on Ninghai Bridge..."


"First, get the driver out, there's still a breath—"

"The girl's leg is trapped... someone help—"

"Move, move! It's leaking fuel, careful, it might blow—"

Song Tan watched all this blankly, completely failing to react at first. Was this...a heart demon?

But strangely, there was a girl in the car who deeply tugged at her heartstrings.

However, the other girl's head was bleeding, and her eyes were slowly closing, her breath growing weak. Song Tan could see the spiritual light fading from her body—her soul was dispersing.

In the next moment, Song Tan felt something pulling at her, and then her fragmented soul suddenly plummeted.

In her hazy consciousness, a girl with fair skin and bright black pupils looked at her, her eyes filled with joy and comfort: "You've come back."

What did she mean?

Just as Song Tan was about to ask, she saw the other's spirit light suddenly rush towards her fragmented soul, and then, they tightly merged together.

Past life, present life...

She remembered!

This wasn't a heart demon!

It was herself coming back! From the Cultivation World back to the moment she was about to die in the modern world!

This was her past life! She had originally been Song Tan, died in a car accident, and then lost her memory and arrived in the Cangxuan Realm, where she began from a village girl, practicing desperately, and finally joined the Ask Heaven Sect.

And after more than a hundred years of non-stop cultivation, just to be able to break through, to protect herself amidst the perilous Cultivation World...

She, was Song Tan!


However, the collision up ahead was too violent, and unbearable pain shot through her body. In her previous life, she had died in that car accident...

No, this won't do!

With difficulty, Song Tan mobilized the scant spiritual energy around her, striving to repair her body.

The thin spiritual energy struggled to flow through her body, arduously repairing the damaged organs and body.

When she put all her effort into opening her blood-blurred eyes, she saw a distinctly masculine face before her, handsome yet with prominent veins.

He was so close that Song Tan could see his dark brown irises and the unusually dense eyelashes. Especially the small mole on his forehead, perfectly placed.

The man gritted his teeth but still managed to speak:

"Don't be afraid! I will pull you out now—"

Behind her, someone was shouting desperately: "Move, move, it's on fire, it's on fire—"

"Hold on!"

The man hugging her let out a low shout, sweat dripping from his forehead and cheeks, sliding down his jaw and dropping onto Song Tan's face.

Her body was pulled forward with more and more force, pain shooting through her limbs and torso, as if her very soul was also being tightly clung to, merging firmly with this body.

The next moment!

"It's exploded—"

The screams surrounding her grew more and more fearful!


Her heavy body was violently thrown out, and she trembled all over, consciousness already gone.


When she woke up again, three heads popped up beside the bed. The one in the lead was a middle-aged doctor, with thinning hair but clear eyes:

"How do you feel now?"

Song Tan's gaze slid down to his name tag on his chest—


An exceptionally lifelike close-up photo

First People's Hospital of Ning Province

Attending Physician: Zhang Yuan

She stared at this nameplate, dumbfounded, as familiar memories continuously flowed through her mind. At this moment, she was both the cultivator Song Tan and the ordinary person Song Tan.

With the fusion of her soul, the past and present life came together, and after over a hundred years, she had finally returned.

The smell of hospital disinfectant filled the air from all directions. Spiritual energy was so scarce it was like a thin thread. With a thought, she silently recited the Cultivation Heart Method, and it took half a day for two strands of spiritual energy to sluggishly make their way over.

Song Tan breathed a sigh of relief—it was good that she could still cultivate.

If she could cultivate, she could protect herself. Not to mention, having planted spirit plants for over a hundred years, she wouldn't have a problem supporting herself.

Looking at the doctor waiting for her response, Song Tan opened her mouth to speak, a bit awkwardly,

"Pretty... pretty good."

The obedient intern on the left presented the medical record. The newly appointed attending physician, scribbling away with arm movements as flamboyant as dragons and phoenixes, was imitating their seniors in writing illegible notes, all while smiling in an especially friendly manner:

"Our examination results are also very good, young lady. You are fortunate indeed! In a multiple car accident, only your head was injured, which might result in a mild concussion, but everything else is fine."

"After observing for a day or two, you can be discharged."

"However, the scene was too chaotic, and your phone in your clothes couldn't be turned on, and since your injuries weren't severe, we haven't notified your family so far."


Images of three identical, simple-looking faces flashed through Song Tan's mind.

She subconsciously touched her head and, in a daze, remembered the car accident scene, quickly asking:

"I remember at that time, a gentleman saved me. How is he... how is he doing now?"

In her previous life, she had lost consciousness the moment the accident occurred and didn't know if anyone had ever tried to save her so desperately.

But now...

The attending physician hesitated for a moment, "Eighteen patients were transferred to our hospital half an hour ago. According to the firefighters, you were pulled out of the car by a young man, weren't you?"

Song Tan nodded.

The doctor hesitated for a moment, "He... is not in life-threatening danger, an out-of-towner, and his family took him to a superior hospital just now."

Song Tan's heart lightened.

"Could I ask for his or his family's contact information? I would like to thank them in person."

Such a life-saving grace saved not only the 23-year-old Song Tan but also the Song Tan who had cultivated through countless years.

Even in the Cangxuan Realm, this was a tremendous favor that required one's utmost effort to repay.

The doctor shook his head, "That gentleman had saved several at the time, and his family, upon their arrival, stated there was no need for thanks and thus were unwilling to disclose any contact information."

"Which hospital did they go to?"

"They went to the Imperial City Ren'ai Hospital."

Song Tan nodded but didn't inquire further.

She thought—currently, she hadn't fully adapted to this place yet. Once she could gather spiritual energy for cultivation again, she would directly consult the divination and calculate the whereabouts of her savior.


The doctors left with a bustle. Song Tan found the murky air difficult to accept; the lack of spiritual energy around indicated it was obviously not a good place for cultivation.

Subconsciously, she reached under her pillow, which was empty.

Of course, her bag, including her identification, had all burned in the car accident.

She then tentatively pulled open the drawer by her bed and, indeed, found a mobile phone with a shattered screen inside.

The screen was most broken, and after sitting in the drawer for a night, it was unclear if it had recovered or what, but anyway, Song Tan managed to turn it on by feel.

She unlocked the screen and noticed a green app in the upper right corner with a glaring red 99+ notification.

There was also a blue one emitting a terrifying ding-ding sound.

It immediately gave her an aversion.

A cultivator's sixth sense could help them avoid many bad things, Song Tan thought:

This message must not be good! Best not to look!

The pressing matter at hand was to play with the phone again. She'd missed it for over a hundred years and couldn't wait any longer.

So she swiped her finger down and accidentally opened an app that seemed to have a music note icon.

"Tremolo, start a wonderful life!"

Song Tan: ...

It's already open, I'll just take a glance...

[This book was first published on the QiDian Girls' Network. Most of the wild vegetables, fruits, and some rural tools mentioned in this book are accompanied by pictures in this chapter. Most of them come from Baidu and TaoTaoBao.]

You can see the pictures by clicking the corresponding sections. We also welcome you to upload more pictures. The sources of information will be written in the author's notes; feel free to search them up if interested.]