21. Old customer_1

"Twenty." Though indifferent, there was no particular fondness either.

Song Tan had no intention of giving a discount.


Wa Qianqian was unhappy — where had she ever seriously bought groceries before? Now that she heard the price, she felt like Song Tan was taking advantage of her knowing they were old classmates.

"It's just wild vegetables, there's no cost to it. Why should it be so expensive? Song Tan, we are old classmates, you can't rip people off like this."

No sooner had she said this than an auntie suddenly squeezed in from behind:

"Aiyo, are there any vegetables left — only three bundles? Then I'll take them all!"

The auntie, with practiced ease, bagged all three bundles while awkwardly squinting to scan the QR code for the group, mumbling on and on: