24. Refund_1

With the car bought and the wild vegetables growing like crazy, almost as they were trying to sprout inside Wu Lan's heart, she was dying to go to the market to sell them every single day.

But Song Tan wouldn't have it.

She was the only one in the family with a driver's license, so that by the third day, Wu Lan had no choice but to cram a whopping 170 pounds of vegetables in the back of the car!

Even Song Tan fell silent at the sight.

"Mom, after we sell this batch, let's give the wild veggies a couple of days off, okay?" The vegetables were being coaxed to grow non-stop, not even allowed a chance to rest.

Thinking about the soil that was nearly scraped clean, Wu Lan coughed dryly, "Gas is expensive, you know... each trip has to at least break even."