32. Extract key points_1

The Little Pika pickup truck, costing 23,000 yuan, roared with power as it climbed hills and dipped into valleys with particular smoothness on the winding mountain roads. The truck bed was filled with heaps of wild vegetables, and all four family members sat in the cab.

Wu Lan sat in the back seat, watching her daughter skillfully drive to the town, no longer anguished over the more than 20,000 yuan spent on the vehicle. Instead, she proudly said,

"I was right to insist on spending big money. Look how convenient it is for us now! We don't have to pay for a hired car to go to the urban area anymore. That's 200 yuan, what a loss that was!"

Song Sancheng immediately countered, "You disagreed at the time. How is it that we listened to you? Besides, you keep saying you want to get your driver's license, but you haven't even done any practice tests these past few days!"