82. Daxiong eats and takes_1


The dogs had more or less become familiar with everyone in the house after such a cleanup.

Song Tan was still worried that their refusal training had been too successful that they would reject food even from the family members. Therefore, she had everyone hold some dog food mixed with Spiritual Energy and fed them under her supervision.

The dogs, feeling her encouragement and temptation, finally began to eat.

After all this commotion, it wasn't until seven o'clock, when it got dark, that everyone finally sat down at the table for dinner.

The dogs, still new to the place—with the exception of Dabao, who was feeling somewhat down and lying there missing his previous owner—roamed freely around the yard.

Dabao, the Doberman, sniffed with interest at the fluffy little ducks kept in a corner.

Sibao, the Mastiff, clung to the support post of the shed, eyes fixated on the slight humming bee boxes above, full of curiosity.