95. Busy Old Song_1

How big is an acre of land?

It's about six hundred and sixty-seven square meters.

In terms of city houses, that area would definitely be considered extremely spacious.

But placed within the rural expanse of farmland and forests, it is no more than a drop in the ocean, truly insignificant.

Have you not seen how those heated orchards can be hundreds or even thousands of acres? Song Tan's twenty acres of land merely connected to his own property for convenience, causing hardly a ripple among the villagers.

Even during village votes, the villagers' reaction was more surprise than actual anticipation of wealth.

No help for it, the money was too little, the land too small. That little patch of land, doesn't everyone have one?

Some joked with laughter, "Sancheng, if you get rich next year, consider my family's land too, it's not far from yours!"

Since they were away working all year round and couldn't manage the land themselves, renting it out would earn them a bit more money.