165. Planting rice seedlings, the water underneath feels cold_1

The early morning in early April still carried a hint of chill.

Early in the morning, Old Li led his ox to the edge of the paddy field.

The ox wandered off to graze on its own in the abandoned field nearby, while he deftly rolled up his pant legs.

His rough feet, marked with black scars, stepped into the soft, squishy mud; despite feeling strong this year, Old Li couldn't help but shiver—

"Aiyo, this is really cold!"

As he was saying this, he saw Song Tan approaching with a shoulder pole, the baskets brimming with robust rice seedlings tied neatly into bundles, stacked and overflowing.

Yet she carried them on one shoulder, her hand resting lightly on the pole, her practiced pose and effortless movements as if she were a brawny man, not the delicate girl in front of him!

Seeing this, Old Li couldn't help but exclaim, "Aiyo"—

This girl, she's really cut out for farming!