216. Pig Slaughtering Process_1

Master Zhang really was familiar to everyone within miles, and as soon as he got off the car, even Seventh Uncle started laughing:

"Swine Castrator, you haven't lost your touch!"

"Oh!" Master Zhang was also quite surprised, "Old Song, what are you doing here?"

Seventh Uncle pretended to be modest, "Ah, getting on in years, becoming a nuisance, I came back to cook for the kids, hoping someone will take care of me in my old age."

The more casual he acted, the more convincing he seemed.

Master Zhang quickly told Song Tan, "Girl, I won't take your money, you just keep a meal for me, to get a taste of Old Song's cooking skills, it's been so many years since I last did."

Upon hearing this, Seventh Uncle's hair seemed almost to quiver with excitement! Now he maintained a reserved tone, "That's not necessary, but of course, we must still take the money, and yes, leaving a meal is a must."

In the village, offering a meal was simply the done thing.