218. Live Pig Feeding_1

Qiaoqiao carried the big red bucket up the mountain.

It was two very large plastic buckets, full to the brim with dry goods, with just a bit of water added before going up the mountain to ensure the food wasn't too dry—

This goes to show how considerate everyone raising pigs really is, even taking taste into account.

His strength had increased nowadays; otherwise, the task of feeding the pigs couldn't have fallen to him. After all, Song Sancheng was getting on in years, and if he kept exerting himself like this, Song Tan worried he might twist his back.

So, this glorious and solemn mission was handed over to Qiaoqiao, who did it with great diligence, feeding the pigs, the dogs, the chickens, the ducks, and Big White. Aside from watching Ultraman, he spent nearly all his free time on them.