Gathering to complain_1


At midnight, those who had gone to the fields to harvest cabbages finally returned, carrying baskets brimming with produce.

Song Tan glanced down: The cabbages, complete with fine roots, showed traces of having been gently washed at the base. Now bundled neatly with straw, they couldn't have looked fresher or crisper.

"Mom, how much did you all pick?"

Several large plastic baskets were filled to the brim.

"We weighed them in the field, and it was just over 1,000 kilograms. The scale was tilting heavy, some were 1.1 kilograms, some just under, but in any case, it was about a thousand, easy to count."

Wu Lan explained while wiping her hands.


Song Tan placed the large baskets one by one onto the family scale, then lifted them into the pickup truck.

By now, Wu Lan had grown accustomed to her daughter's strength. Seeing her move the baskets, she called everyone to quickly wash up, rest, and get ready for dinner.